When you know what needs to be done and you have the tools to do it, the conversation becomes bigger.

The second part of entrepreneurship goes beyond the tangibles of lists and action items and tasks to execute.

It's the ability to hold your energy and keep showing up when things are hard. It's waking up one more day to do the thing one more time, before you see the fruits of your labor.

And once you do see them, it's about letting yourself dream bigger, take new risks, and redesign your life differently over and over as you evolve with what's important to you and how you want to live as the CEO of your own life.


Multiply The Magic, The Membership


Imagine potent access to the exact coaching you need, in the moment.

You've done the trainings and have set up the business. You've taken action and you're not afraid of risk. You've done the foundational work.

What you need is continuous access to the room with the bigger conversations.

A room with women doing what you're doing.

That's exactly what we'll be doing in this new 1-year experience.

My dream of growing my business extends well beyond monthly money targets or "look what I built" boasts. I'm here for conversations about power, dreams that don't make logical sense, existential shifts around who we are, what we're meant for, what is meant for us, and how we're intentionally building our lives.

In M3 you'll have the access you want, when you need it.

Twice weekly hot seat coaching & mentorship in the group from me, with the daily support, accountability, and understanding of the other women in the group.

👉🏼 I know what it's like to be in the trenches of growth (even when business is going well) and wishing you could just *run it by someone who's been there*.

👉🏼 Or feeling resistance and fear and just needing someone who understands it to *talk you off the ledge*

👉🏼And wanting that space for raw, vulnerable growth *with the right women, in the right room* - because they understand exactly where you are, who you are, and what you're building.

That's M3.

Twice-weekly Telegram days with me in the group, for an entire year.

Show up as much or as little as you need.

Lean all the way in when things are pressing, and breathe and observe when you're coasting.

But know that I'm always in your back pocket to keep you activated and growing.

What will we cover?
✨Everything you need.✨

Personal power. Emotional growth. Leadership. Functioning like the CEO of your life. Sales and money mindset. Taking action on the tangible & strategy. Staying activated. Speaking to attract dream clients. Growing past your current capacity. Showing up fully embodied as the boldest *you*.

You'll get it all. The activation & growth, and the tweaks in strategy as you need them.

Here are the details

✨This is a 12 month group* Telegram experience

A full year of sisterhood & mentorship

You will have access to the Telegram group 24/7, and I will be in the group 2 days/week to provide coaching in the group

Inaugural member rate of $355/mo (that saves you $2480) and a bonus group coaching call for inaugural members

We will start mid-July

It is a full year commitment

Inaugural member rate and bonus coaching call will expire

*the group total will be capped so everyone will be heard, seen, and get the coaching they need

Take advantage of the limited time inaugural member rate

*final price will be $555/mo

Upon purchase, you acknowledge and accept the terms and conditions of the Multiply the Magic membership agreement.

Copyright The Kirsten Screen | 2024 | All Rights Reserved